iOS jailbreaking: tweaks, news, and more for jailbroken iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches, and Apple TVs … Press J to jump to the feed. An Apple ID account configured in Xcode as a signing identity to sign apps. XenMobile App SDK: Use the most recent version of the XenMobile iOS SDK and the Xcode bitcode generation disabled. So, runsim now lets you start up an iOS app in the simulator without any human intervention, and doesn’t have to stray too far from supported methods to do it. I don’t say that Xcode is absolutely not usable. Triggering an alert dialog in Terminal app via command line: osascript -e 'tell app 'Terminal. Read Security Overview to understand the place of code signing in the macOS security picture. To sign and check applications, the codesign command line utility is available. Make sure you have the latest version of iOS App Signer. iTunes, iFunbox and iTool are in same category mostly used to install apps on iPhone. Ios app signer command line App signing and notarization.